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Often companies have technically qualified professionals, with profiles suited to the requirements of their positions and functions, but who do not have a productivity consistent with their potential. factors are missing  that motivate them to create and dare in the pursuit of goals and results.

Using established and current techniques, we promote training aimed at sales teams, customer service and individual training for managers and executives. These trainings can be given in the company itself, at the Ação's headquarters, in auditoriums and in hotels.

Regardless of the specific training area, the DISEJIL training consultancy
  accompanies  the client from the diagnosis of training needs to the evaluation of actions, passing through the  planning, legal framework, execution and, where applicable, funding application.

For a More Effective Management of Human Resources!


The DISEJIL Training Consultancy process can go through the following phases:


  1. Survey of Training Needs

  2. Diagnosis of Training Needs

  3. Preparation of the Training Plan

  4. Execution of Training

  5. Training evaluation

  6. Final report

Diagnosis of Training Needs

As part of a Training Consultancy process,  The Needs Diagnosis emerges as one of the first  steps of the training cycle.

It is by collecting  information about the level of knowledge of the  participants, in a given subject, which becomes  possible to plan and implement a training strategy  effective and successful.  This success is largely conditioned by the way in which  unfolded the diagnostic process.

In this context, DISEJIL  developed  an online diagnostics platform  that allows:

Submit to future participants a  questionnaire, in a practical and versatile way;

Reflect current knowledge about  the matters in question;

Automatically generate reports  conclusions of the evaluation;

Design an effective training plan  and meeting the real needs of the  trainees and the organization.


Increased productivity;

Cost and Time Savings;

Improvement in Organizational Processes;

Talent Motivation and Retention;

Sustainable Company Growth

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