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DISEJIL FOCO specializes in business solutions  who seek to take  thoughtful and assertive strategic decisions, opting for more agile and flexible structures, allowing them to adapt quickly to the constant changes in the market.


Support for top management in the financial, commercial and marketing areas may be extended to the company's external relationship, namely in support of negotiation with customers, suppliers and partners.

Through these services, we seek to contribute to the  growth of client companies, guaranteeing them competitive gains through pro-activity  and strategic innovation in the approaches adopted.

It has a vast Multidisciplinary Team of Consultants, operating in all markets and areas, allowing us to identify and allocate professionals with high skills and competences to our Clients' projects.

Because each company and each group is unique  we create training suited to each need and context. A company… a need… a formative response.



Prestar Serviços de Consultoria e Formação de excelência, que tragam valor acrescentado aos Clientes. Inovar a cada passo, quebrando barreiras, por forma a fazer a diferença no crescimento de cada Empresa.


• Determinação •Integração • Sucesso • Envolvimento • Justa • Inovação • Liderança


• Procurar a Excelência nos serviços que prestamos aos nossos Clientes. Desenvolver líderes, capitalizando o potencial de cada colaborador e impulsionando o crescimento das empresas.

  • Administração Pública

  • Agronegócio

  • Banca

  • Compras, Stocks e Logística

  • Finanças, Contabilidade e Fiscal

  • Gestão de Projetos

  • Gestão de Recursos Humanos

  • Idiomas para Indústrias

  • Marketing e Vendas

  • Saude

  • Secretariado e Assessoria

  • Seguros

  • Normas

  • Turismo e Hotelaria



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